The fastest way to solve problems

Olekakelechi Ok
2 min readJan 21, 2021

Focus on the problem, not the solution, in the problem lies the solution and not the solution itself. I will explain this concept.

The problem Henry ford solved was not a problem of a better horse, the horse was a solution to the current problem, he focused on the original true problem which is helping people move from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time. if he had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a fast and long-lasting horse, sometimes the real problems are not trying to make the solution better, it is the problem of solving the original true problem.

Now Elon Musk has found a way to solve an original problem around transportation with a hype-loop, a much faster and convenient way than the airplane, when we focus on the problem and not just the current solution, it helps us think in the original mind. a lot of times we are so engrossed in how do I make this app better when the real solution might not have anything to do with the app.

Think about this deeply



Olekakelechi Ok

I am constantly buzzing at the opportunity to use practical approaches to solve complex problems